The Brooks

The Brooks

The Brooks Family Motto

"We got us a family here"

-H.I. McDounough

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Weekend!

Max has made a new discovery.....his feet. He loves to sit and touch them now. Since Ashley, Jake's little sister arrived, we have been running around all over the place. Last Friday we went to the Hogle Zoo and since went touring around Park City and the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market. There were so many people I don't think Ashley enjoyed it too much. But I was able to find Basil plants for just a dollar. As you can see Max Loved the zoo, it was a good time for him to take a nice long nap. Today we went and visited "This is the place heritage Park", Ashley claimed she had never been there before. It's been a fun and crazy weekend, but this coming week we have to get ready for our move to the new apartment.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Donut Falls

Yesterday we decided to go hike Donut Falls. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get there. Worst of all it was freezing when we got up there. Thank goodness that Jake remembered to bring extra clothes for the baby. If he hadn't we would of just turned around when we got there. I was surprised to see so many families there, but it was a nice little hike and it got me out of making a solo trip to the gym. The baby really likes his hiking bag and we've already used it several times since we bought it. Ashley comes in 2 days and were all really excited for her to spend some time with us. Hopefully our move to a different apartment won't interfere with our plans.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A family Visit

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa Milford were visiting. Erinn also came to town with Mya. It was nice to see them again since it's almost been two years since I met them. Max and Mya got to chill together. Of course we went and looked at baby clothes and toys. Max has been a little fussy, but I think it's because he's been out of his element because his house has been full with other people!

Someone asked Erinn and Jacob if Max and Mya were twins.......even though they are about 5 months apart in age.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Return of the XBOX

Jake finally got his XBOX back this week. When it wasn't working he tried to control his emotions, but deep down I knew his soul was in the depths of despair. Microsoft fixed it for free, because of a common defect. I've never been fond of having it in my house until recently. Jake downloaded a free trial for Netflix, and now I can watch Lost Season 3 without having to wait for it to be available at the library. Oh how I love summer, all the time wasted away on meaningless things like T.V. series and Guitar Hero! Even right now I can hear Michael Jackson's "Beat It" in the background as Jake's guitar keys go clickidy click.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our little Maximilian turned 6 months yesterday. I can't believe how the time has already passed. My dad commented the other day that he no longer looks like a baby but a little boy. He's so well mannered and I can already tell that he will be a happy and freindly person his whole life. We started feeding him solid foods awhile ago but his motor skills prohibited from enjoying a meal until three weeks ago. He will eat anything we give him, except for carrots, which aren't very tantalizing anyway. I think he weighs 20 lbs, but we won't find out until this coming Friday when we meet with Dr. Henricksen for the last time before his transfer to a clinic in Daybreak.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's been a while

I was ambitious enough to create this blog, and now I do believe I should start writing in it once again. I would hope this will update family and friends to certain events that our occurring in our lives than being one of those obnoxious blogs that people write in 4 times a week that no one really cares about. This will allow people to see our pictures and know all the craziness that has been going on.

To start off, Jake and I are both still in school. It's crazy! I never thought it would have taken me this long to get a bachelors degree and I'm already 27. However, I can't feel too bad, I have done some pretty awesome things in the mean time. 3 years to prepare and go on a mission, and then taking an extra abundant amount of classes in one major then deciding it didn't suit me nor my future. I would double major in it to bust my resume, but now having the baby around doing an internship would be much more complicated. I'm in the speech pathology program and the U of U and am minoring in human development and Spanish. I would have graduated this spring of 2010, however as always God had another plan for Jake and I. I found out I was pregnant during finals last year and everything changed. Getting use to the idea came really quick, and although there were some difficulties during my pregnancy, I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one. Everyone always prepares you for pregnancy, but no one can prepare you for the first couple of months you have with your new born child. The newborn stage is not my favorite time of childhood....I enjoy three months+.

Jake has taken the summer off! It has been great! No more school for a couple of months, but come fall it's back to the same old routine. Jake will be done at SLCC this coming spring. He served his 2 years there, typical for an associates and took some extra classes so he wouldn't have to take them at the University. I'm proud of his grades, I've been amazed that he could accomplish that and work 40 hours a week. However, once he starts at the U it will be back to part time, but that's just a minor sacrifice for future blessings. He finally got a substantially higher raise at work. This was nice sense I no longer contribute to our financial well being. Although doing manual labor isn't his favorite, the benefits and hours work well for both of us.