The Brooks

The Brooks

The Brooks Family Motto

"We got us a family here"

-H.I. McDounough

Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Jake just put dinner together and it's cooking in the oven.  Max is playing a game on the touch pad and winding down from a Tuesday afternoon of preschool, which he is doing miraculously well at. Dexter is on the floor eating a cookie and shoving bites into Jake's mouth while he is on the floor reading the paper.  I'm not going to lie, it's been a rough past couple of weeks.  But quiet moments like that were everyone is content makes it all worth it.

 Max has been a bit physical with everyone, and still doesn't have any real friends around here.  I'm feeling about the same in the friends department as well.  But maybe I would be a bit more concerned about it  if I knew we weren't leaving her next summer.  I'm afraid for winter to come, for holiday weight gain which I've already  been trying to prevent since I started Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday.  I can fit into my prepregnancy jeans that I've had since before Max was born, but they are a bit snug and I can comfortably say that I am no longer satisfied with wearing skin tight jeans and shirts.  I have come to the realization that going up a size isn't too awful of an idea, as long as it's not because of weight gain, just style satisfaction.  My butt and hips are just huge now, and I don't think they will be shrinking in any way unless a knife and sutures are involved.
I no longer enjoy wearing low rise jeans and tight fitting shirts.  I just want to be comfortable.  I already feel "30".  I squint a lot when I'm out in the sun and feel that I need to wear sunglasses all the time.  I awake in the middle of the night to go pee, while I never had to before a few months ago.  And I'm just sick of listening to people and not sticking up for myself when some random person I don't know says something to me or my husband that is just absurd.  I guess I'm a grouch.  But I"m going to embrace my 30's.  Jake still has a year to go.  But I reminded him that he could be graduated with two degrees, have found a profession, and even maybe own a home and have a 3rd kid before he turns 30.  That's achievement to me.

Oh and Dexter said his first word today.  "look" while pointing at a page in the book.  It was the highlight of my day.