The Brooks

The Brooks

The Brooks Family Motto

"We got us a family here"

-H.I. McDounough

Blog Archive

Saturday, August 28, 2010

School Starts

So I already posted something today, but to my surprise I found out there are a few people who read this i.e. Grandmothers. So I will strive to keep it as updated as possible. Jake and I both started school this week. I have class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 A.M. and Jake has an early morning class (among others) at 7 A.M. Monday through Thursday. Once school started our lives got a little more crazy. I am so greatful for the two ladies who watch max while
I'm at my hearing science class. But it's not like I really want to be there. It was a crazy week and we were both dead tired when night came, but I enjoy the busy schedules. It helps me to set other lofty goals to improve myself. However, I don't think Jake enjoys waking up at 6:10 every morning. Sometimes I wish I could just take all my classes on campus, but at this moment that is next to impossible. I have three other classes that are online, and one of them is four credits, so needless to say the next 3-4 months will be a bit stressful.