The Brooks

The Brooks

The Brooks Family Motto

"We got us a family here"

-H.I. McDounough

Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer is beginning to end. I got my grades back from my classes. I got two A's and a B. I was shocked that I got a B in my Stats class. I got a C- on the midterm but I guess I did really well on the Final. I was worried about it cause you have to retake it if you get below a C and I know people who had not passed the first time. But now I'm down to two classes. Hopefully all goes well with them this coming semester. I'm watching my nephew all day 2-3 times a week. It's good for max. he gets all excited when jack comes over. He yells, "The Baby....Baby". It's quite humerus.

Now the semester has started and Jake has been really on top of things. He's working really hard to graduate in May. He's taking 15 credits and works 36 hours a week. I could care less about the money, but Jake is worried about benefits so he is continuing to work. Which is a good thing because he just got promoted at work. NO more shipping department, and a raise! he really put in his time at Regional Supply, but now he works at a different branch of the company, and he's a manager so he can try to delegate and do things the way he sees fit. I'm so proud of him. This will also be a good opportunity for him because a management position will look really good on his graduate school application. (which is due in January...yikes). Anywho, life has been busy and I enjoy watching my little nephew. It's really fun to see him and Max together. My semester is fairly easy going, since I only have two classes, but I'm really excited for my Aural Rehab classes. I've become really interested in Audiology and hope to make that my discourse when I go to graduate school (in like 10 years). After I graduate I just want to be a Mom and devote my time to Max and any other future kids. School hasn't taken up too much of my time, but life will be a lot less stressful without it.

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