The Brooks

The Brooks

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"We got us a family here"

-H.I. McDounough

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December is ending

Christmas has passed and so we are on to New Years. Jake and I really aren't New Year's Eve type of people. I've always thought it was kind of a boozers holiday, I'll be lucky if I can make it till 12 without falling asleep, I'm like a ninety year old. Christmas was great. Grandma Boots finally made it, and shortly after her departure announced that she was moving here. It will be nice, but weird having her around so much. I remember when she use to drive me everywhere when I was growing up: the orthodontist, golf lessons, Pom practice, etc. Who knows, maybe now I'll be driving her around. On Christmas Eve we went over to Laura and Nathan's cause their townhouse had the most room, Nathan's two children joined us and we played a mean game of "Scene it". Jake and I are still debating over who really won. Max got the most gifts out of everyone, and was the least excited to open them, he just wanted to play with the paper that was already on the floor. From Grandma and Grandpa, he got a cool little kids tent that came with a tunnel, socks from aunti Laura, and of course lots of money. We will help him spend it wisely. Jacob didn't let me spend a lot of money on him, later I found out it was so he could spend a ton on me! Loser. Jacob got a new sled from my mom and dad. It's just like the ones we had growing up, and they lasted for years. He got a Josh Groban C.D. from me and a few other small things. Laura and Nathan gave him a cool swiss army knife that even had a flash light on it, and Boots gave him some money, I think that will be put to good use in getting some more clothes. Getting that guy to buy clothes is like pulling teeth.

For Christmas Jake got me a minny food processor. My other one was too big to just chop up small things, and since our family is quite small a smaller one was more helpful. He went to Sur La Table and got me a lime juicer. I'm so excited to use it, I hate squeezing limes when I make pie. I also got money from grandma, an Aveda Shampoo kit from Jason (something I would never buy myself because it is ridiculously expensive), and lots and lots of gift cards, which I have already put to good use. I bought lots of good stuff because of the after Christmas sales, and even got a nice dress to wear to church from Banana Republic. when in doubt, always go to the outlet mall in park city during or right after a huge holiday.

I tried to do my part by baking a few items this holiday season. I made rolls on Christmas eve. It was Barb's recipe, I wasn't sure how to roll them at first, but Erinn helped us figure it out. I also made Annette Bell's famous Tea Ring. It turned out really well and was the hit of Christmas morning.

Now that Christmas is over, it's time to start preparing for the new year. Jake doesn't do resolutions, but I'm a big believer in them. I just finished a book on Tape by Doctor Laura. She said that people should try to set aside 10-15 minutes every morning and do something that is important to just them. I figure this would be a good time to read my scriptures and other materials. The thing is I would have to wake up before Max and Jacob to actually accomplish this. It's worth a try. I must come up with some other good ones as well.

Final Thought: Nate Berkus is annoying.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rach, Max is so darn cute! Love his big grin! Good luck on your new year's resolutions.
    I think getting up a little early to do something for yourself is a must. I need to work on this one too. :)
